Event App Development Company

Who expected this change in paradigm to be the case in terms of our communication? Everything has sailed from the current world to the virtual world, from education, birthday parties, customer workshops and family meetings.

Technology has been in place to allow virtual events for enough time, however, each event is always preferable because it is more involved. Well, whether or not, last year, the problem of Coronavirus completely turned the tables and drove advertisers into the virtual scenario. This is when the event app development companies started to flourish. 

New Trends in Virtual Event Apps

The use of live streaming technology transforms the event sector from within. And here it is like:

More opportunities

If everything is on a virtual events platform, from the number of tickets to email marketing reports, you need to create, advertise and execute an event. The visitors can also access and discuss the recorded broadcast in a live chat at all times using the Virtual Events platform. This allows such platforms to extend the shelf-life of an event. Contact an event app development company for details. 

New business model

Conferences or trade exhibitions are far cheaper than offline events using a virtual event platform. You don’t have to pay for boosters, rental and costly equipment anymore. Event organizers should therefore consult event app development companies and use video streams with diverse business models and invest more money in marketing campaigns to increase their audiences.

Hybrid events

During offline events, organisers can visit hybrid events and hold live events to improve the reach of their public and provide a live streaming capability.

Not only the event industry but also user demand are changing living streaming technologies. Now, interactive events, networking and interaction with sales and marketing tools are top for an event management platform. And software suppliers satisfy demand.

Features for virtual event software

Following the analysis of the existing software for online events, the following list contains the most demanding features that event app development companies provide:

Profile of the attendant

Users need to register to the platform for event management via email and password before taking part in online events, or via social connections like Facebook or LinkedIn. They then get access to a personal profile and complete their personal data.

Registration event

Organizers can establish or invite online events, add a description and schedule, start and end date and time.

Booths for the Speaker

Add this feature if you are prepared to create an event streaming platform with various speakers for worldwide events. Each speaker establishes a profile, adds and modifies personal data.

Page of events

In this section readers can find descriptions of online events, dates and times, a time-link progress indicator, information on their social media profiles, number of registered participants and a registration button. Customize it by consulting with an event app development company

The portal for payment

Participants can pay for events by credit cards, PayPal, and Google Pay and bank account organizers.

Live chat

Participants can ask questions to speakers and speak through an integrated life conversation.


This is a useful feature for increasing participation. The event management platform records streamed videos automatically, lists and sent a link to the recorded video sessions.

Social participation

Users can share and arrange events using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


You may offer value for organizers with the integration of e-mail marketing (Mailchimp) and sales solutions (Salesforce). Organizers are running advertisements, monitoring their performance, and measuring results without leaving your platform.

Streaming of video

The programmer connects to the camera and microphone of the speaker and transmits video and audio files to the audience.

Live streaming is the main feature for all software that event app development companies offer. However, the building is not easy. If too many users join the stream, the quality of streaming videos could decline.

In order to maintain video quality, virtual event software needs a substantial computing capacity. It also requires resources for receiving, encoding and transmitting videos from one source to many viewers. Let’s explore which technologies allow video streaming of good quality.